mistakes were made造句


  1. Several mistakes were made with the Colorin purchase, Broslat said.
  2. A former detective in the case acknowledges that mistakes were made.
  3. I would think the Americans would realize that mistakes were made,
  4. "Some mistakes were made, " he said.
  5. Mistakes were made here, some in the name of glory.
  6. It's difficult to find mistakes were made in a sentence. 用mistakes were made造句挺难的
  7. No obvious mistakes were made by the long snappers Friday night.
  8. State officials are looking to see if other mistakes were made.
  9. Yarkoni said crucial mistakes were made Tuesday in the United States.
  10. Mistakes were made in the 2016 maths exam at every level.
  11. Fundamental mistakes were made in their quest to identify Admiralty errors.
  12. However, in the rush to construct planning mistakes were made.
  13. Mistakes were made but not at the level they were talking about.
  14. "Mistakes were made, " he said.
  15. Riley and the Heat insist no such mistakes were made.
  16. "Mistakes were made, " prosecutor Dieter Haike said.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "mistakes come from carelessness"造句
  2. "mistakes for"造句
  3. "mistakes in english law"造句
  4. "mistakes in the bible"造句
  5. "mistakes we knew we were making"造句
  6. "mistakes will happen"造句
  7. "mistaking"造句
  8. "mistaking for"造句
  9. "mistakingly"造句
  10. "mistakings"造句

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